Wednesday 30 November 2016

Depict! dodgy deal evaluation

the dodgy deal evaluation

Overall I think this production went well, there are many things that we could have improved, like planning our pre-production a bit better, we had to improvise with a few of our scenes and redo some of the storyboard to fit the scenes, we followed the script well and nearly all of the lines were perfect apart from a few that we improvised. We also planned to film in the drama studio but we couldn’t get it so we had to use w16 instead.
The filming process went well, we followed the storyboard well, we only a few scenes we had to redo on the storyboard. I played Clarence in the production, I walked through a mysterious door to the 1950s. in the pre-production I wrote the script and helped George with the shot list, this enabled us to know exactly what our lines were with each shot as we worked together on this task. Ruth did not appear in the production as she was behind the camera.

The editing process was mainly done by Helen with the rest of us behind her talking to her about what type of effects we thought would suit the production, the only real problem we had during editing was the fact that it was hard to hear some of our voices over the music so in some parts of the production the music volume is decreased dramatically for the voices to be heard. Overall I think this production was a success, obviously there were many things we could improve on but these are things we know to address in our next production. 

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